Team Manager Responsibilities

  • Prepare a team roster before the first game.
  • Include player's names, numbers, and parents.
  • Hand out sheets/cards with this information. 
  • Collect current/preferred emails and phone numbers from parents.
  • Baseball involves a lot of day-of emails and last hour text messages
  • Send this information to the head coach.
  • Populate the team website with practice information.
  • Coordinate concession responsibilities for the team.
  • Attend concession training meeting.
  • Design a signup sheet for duties like concessions and field cleanup. 
  • A good, old fashioned sheet of paper on a clipboard works well.
  • On-line, shareable files like Google Docs makes sign up simple.
  • After uniforms are handed out, collect the jerseys and get them numbered.
  • You will have administration rights to your team's website
  • The winning Team Parent posts the score within 24 hours of the final.
  • Use this to post any pictures or team correspondence.
  • Hand out Picture Day flyers.

Background Check

A coaching/team manager position requires you to provide care, treatment, education, training, instruction, supervision or recreation to children. This position requires a background check per the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) records pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 299C.62.

RAYB works with the Trusted Coaches organization to have a national background check performed. 

All coaches and team managers are also required to go through concussion training. This training is also facilitated through Trusted Coaches.

Please complete and submit the RAYB Coach / Manager application. Once completed and assigned to a team, you will receive a link & program code to use on the Trusted Coaches site.

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